Photo features
Nine men ordained transitional deacons at cathedral
Archbishop Nelson Perez ordained the men, including six for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, during a Mass May 8 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.
Alumni of St. Charles Seminary celebrate milestones of ministry
The annual Priests’ Alumni Mass at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary drew many priests of the Philadelphia Archdiocese as they renewed friendships and priestly camaraderie.
Couples mark wedding anniversaries with prayer at cathedral
Archbishop Nelson Perez celebrated Mass on Saturday, May 1 and afterward greeted Catholic couples in the Philadelphia region celebrating their wedding anniversaries at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.
St. John’s Hospice gets helping hand from archbishop on visit
Archbishop Nelson Perez paid a visit to the Catholic facility for homeless men in Philadelphia during his visit April 29. He had lunch with the guests, met the staff on a tour, and handed out bags of food and personal items.
Across the Aisles: St. Agnes Parish, Sellersville
Archbishop Nelson Perez conferred the sacrament of confirmation on 34 young men and women at the Bucks County parish during a Mass he celebrated there April 28.
Before ordination as deacons, 9 men declare Oath of Fidelity
In a liturgy April 26 at the seminary, this year's candidates for the permanent diaconate publicly professed their faith and signed an oath to be faithful in their ministry to all that the Catholic Church teaches.
Cassock Classic draws young adults for day of outdoor fun
Young adults from across the Philadelphia region played in an Ultimate Tournament held at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Archbishop Nelson Perez began their day with Mass.
Mass at cathedral honors gifts of those with disabilities
Archbishop Nelson Perez was the main celebrant for the annual Mass for Persons with Disabilities, which was interpreted in American Sign Language for deaf persons.
Blessings of diversity celebrated at Cultural Heritage Mass
The rich diversity of cultures and ethnicities was on vibrant display for the annual archdiocesan Mass Saturday, April 24 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, led by Archbishop Nelson Perez.
Archbishop Perez visits Cardinal O’Hara High School
On April 26 the archbishop celebrated Mass, toured classrooms and spent time with students, teachers and staff of the archdiocesan school in Springfield, Delaware County.