Photo features
Parishioners create sacred space among shrines, flowers
Dozens of prayer gardens at St. Helena Parish in Blue Bell draw parishioners closer to God, to creation and to one another.
Young men listen for God’s call at 3-day retreat
A mix of virtual and safe in-person events proved a success for the 32 young participants in this year's Quo Vadis discernment retreat June 29-July 1.
With kindergarten ahead, kids look forward to post-COVID future
After weeks of at-home study, 45 students of Casa del Carmen's Preschool Academy donned mortarboards for a festive June 19 drive-through graduation.
Priestly ordination class of 2020
Five men from diverse backgrounds became new priests of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia June 20 during a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Perez.
Deacons ordained in unprecedented Mass at cathedral
Archbishop Nelson Perez ordained 13 men deacons for the first time since his installation. Also for the first time in Philadelphia the rite included both permanent and transitional deacons.
Led by rosary, marchers make prayerful statement in center city
Some 200 area faithful took to the streets of downtown Philadelphia June 7 for a “Rosary Walk for Healing and Peace” in a city and nation beset by disease and division.
Walkers for peace and unity pray with police
Members of several Catholic parishes in the Philadelphia Archdiocese along with other denominations joined in a peaceful march from North Philadelphia to City Hall June 6.
Cathedral Mass marks unique end of school year
Archbishop Nelson Perez observed the closing of the academic year during Mass Sunday, June 7, with students among the limited congregation participating.
Across the Aisles: St. Martin de Porres Parish
Archbishop Nelson Perez visited the North Philadelphia parish, whose joyful congregation practiced social distancing in the church, on Sunday, June 7.
A city protest that went from ‘reverent’ to riot
Donovan Carter of St. Athanasius Parish in Philadelphia captured scenes from a May 30 Center City demonstration against the death of George Floyd that began peacefully but turned violent.