Photo features
Catholic Teachers, Administrators Gather for 2nd Annual Archbishop’s Day for Educators
See scenes from the Aug. 27 Archbishop’s Day for Educators at Bishop Shanahan High School for teachers and staff of the 15 archdiocesan high schools.
Photos: CSS Baby Shower Celebrates New and Expectant Moms
See scenes from Catholic Social Services' “Philly’s Biggest Baby Shower” event on Saturday morning, Aug. 24 in Philadelphia. The morning featured resources for families, as well as essential baby care items like diapers and wipes.
Archbishop Pérez Blesses New Learning Center at Bishop Shanahan
Bishop Shanahan High School in Downingtown unveiled its new IHM Center for Innovation and Creativity Aug. 26. See our photo gallery of the ribbon cutting ceremony and blessing led by Archbishop Nelson Pérez.
At Appreciation Gathering, Campus Ministers Enjoy Evening of Faith and Fellowship
See scenes from the Aug. 13 campus minister appreciation gathering hosted by the archdiocesan Office for Ministry with Young Adults.
Indonesian Catholic Community Marks 25 Years at South Phila. Parish
See scenes from the Aug. 12 celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Indonesian Catholic Community at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.
Blessing of Mary’s House Marks Second Home for Young Adults with Disabilities
The residence is the second of its kind opened by St. Edmond's Home for Children and will provide care to four young adult women with disabilities who formerly resided at the Rosemont facility.
Holy Angels, Philadelphia, Celebrates Golden Jubilee
Established in 1974, Holy Angels Parish is one of two parishes that comprise the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Korean Apostolate.
Quo Vadis Camp: 68 Young Men Dive Deeper Into Their Faith
Hosted by the archdiocesan Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood, the camp is designed for the spiritual growth of high school men.
Archdiocese Hosts Catholic Charities USA Homeless Advocacy Forum
The gathering, hosted by Catholic Social Services, focused on the plight of those experiencing homelessness and how to best serve them at the community, state, regional, and national levels.
Photos: Young Adult Glorify Mass and Commission Celebration
The Youth Co-leadership Protagonism Initiative is sponsored by the archdiocesan Office for Ministry with Youth.