
Don’t forget about those in need

Sometimes we get so focused on our own needs that we forget about the needs of others. In a parable, Jesus reminds us to care for the outcast, says Catholic author and speaker Gary Zimak.

Yesterday’s trauma can become today’s triumph

Fred Trainer, who has spent decades working with at-risk youth, shares with Inside CatholicPhilly.com how a closer look at old wounds can reveal new possibilities for hope and healing in Christ.

God’s mercy calls out to sinners, purifies hearts

Through the images of wayward sheep, lost coins and prodigal sons, the Lord makes known his unfailing, forgiving love for all, says Father Joseph LoJacono.

Helping the poor through a dishonest steward

In a key parable, Jesus seems at first to be applauding sinful behavior. But a closer listen reveals how the Lord is actually trying to focus our attention on those in need, says Catholic author and speaker Gary Zimak.

The sheep know the voice of their Shepherd

Even in the worst of times, when church leaders themselves may seem lost, active and committed Catholics can still discern the Lord's guidance. Meghan Cokeley shares with Inside CatholicPhilly.com how the "sensus fidei" keeps the flock on course to Christ.

The prodigal son, God’s mercy and you

We hear about God's mercy and love so often that we sometimes fail to appreciate it, says Catholic author and speaker Gary Zimak. The Lord's mercy is infinite, but there is something we must do in order to receive it.

In a time of crisis, what should the laity do?

Scandals and secularization have left many in the pew feeling powerless. But understanding the Catholic Church's "two dimensions" offers a path to hope and healing, says Meghan Cokeley in this episode of Inside CatholicPhilly.com

Humility keeps us from taking God for granted

Only the humble can hope to be holy, and to behold the Lord in the fullness of his glory, says Father Joseph LoJacono.

The cost of discipleship leads to peace

In his latest podcast, Catholic author and speaker Gary Zimak explores what Jesus meant when he said, "Follow me," and how we receive more than we can imagine by giving up all we have.

The Lord’s call to peace brings division if we reject it

Many find themselves confused by Jesus' strong words that require an all-or-nothing commitment. Father Joseph LoJacono explains that the divine plan, which ensures true happiness, does not allow for earthly compromise.