
How to drink like a saint

Do spirits and spirituality mix? Yes, according to Oblate Father Thomas Dailey, who shares how we can lift both glasses and hearts with friends, and honor God by taking delight in his countless blessings.

We can trust that the Lord hears our prayers

Father Joseph LoJacono shares how the Lord always seeks what is best for us, even when we try to manipulate him through selfish and short-sighted requests. By persevering in true prayer, we discover that the Lord has a greater plan for us.

True love requires real action

Father Joseph LoJacono shares how we are called to concretely demonstrate our faith in our everyday lives. Rather than thinking of God in the abstract, we must follow the example of the good Samaritan, and meet others at their point of need.

How to journey with youth who have drifted from the faith

Young people aren't storming out of the Catholic Church; they're simply walking away. In this episode of Inside CatholicPhilly.com, Oblate Father Thomas Dailey shares how can an ancient faith speak to a new generation by evangelizing in fresh, relevant ways.

Trust in the Lord leads to peace in purified hearts

Conversion requires absolute dependence on Christ, says Father Joseph LoJacono. By conforming our hearts to the cross, we experience a security and a serenity that the world cannot give.

We are called to center our lives in the Sacred Heart

Jesus must be first in all of our plans, hopes and desires, says Father Joseph LoJacono. By keeping an eternal perspective, we come to see the Gospel message as primary, rather than optional and convenient.

The right kind of poverty

What did Jesus mean when he said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit"? Augustinian Father Arthur Purcaro of Villanova University shares with Inside CatholicPhilly.com how the answer transforms our hearts, and the world.

Give God a little, and he will do great things

The Eucharist shows that God showers us with blessings beyond measure, says Father Joseph LoJacono. All we need is humility, a willing heart and a desire to say "yes" to his grace.

Dare to discern what God wants you to do

Figuring out your vocation can be difficult, especially in the noisy digital age, but it's not a task we should fear, says Oblate Father Thomas Dailey. A sense of peace confirms when you're on the right path, and the Lord's love will reroute you even if you miss the exit.

Our life is in the Trinity, not in false spirits

An authentic relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit should reveal itself in the very real fruits of virtue -- patience, joy, charity -- rather than in emotions and extraordinary signs, says Father Joseph LoJacono.