
Poverty: It’s not what you think

Is being poor a sign of holiness, or is it evidence of a deep selfishness in our hearts? Augustinian Father Arthur Purcaro of Villanova University explains the different types of poverty, and how each can become an encounter with the Lord.

The Holy Spirit restores true life in our hearts

The third person of the Trinity makes real the presence of the Lord in our daily lives, says Father Joseph LoJacono. In every situation and at all times, the faithful are called to pray to the Holy Spirit, and to seek his guidance in order to live in the center of God's will.

Moving from ‘like’ to ‘amen,’ online and in person

Does Mass on television "count," and are your Facebook friends really your friends? In this episode of Inside CatholicPhilly.com, Father Thomas Dailey shares how the church can transform social networks into human communities.

Don’t fall for the dialectic of anger

Father Joseph LoJacono, pastor of St. Veronica and St. Hugh of Cluny Parishes in Philadelphia, shares how it's possible for Christians to differ and remain charitable. Polarization can be transformed into collaboration if we refuse to reduce reality to an "us v. them" battle.

Meditating on Jesus’ ascension prepares us for the Holy Spirit

Father Joseph LoJacono of St. Veronica and St. Hugh of Cluny Parishes shares how Christ's return to the Father prepares us for Pentecost. Baptized with fire, we can make the Word flesh in the world through our words and actions.

Marriage adds up to more than just two people

Wedded bliss isn't just about a couple finding happiness in each other. Father Frank Berna shares on Inside CatholicPhilly.com how the "everyday holiness" of this sacred union blesses the entire community.

Scarce but still sacred, marriage is central to family and church

Fewer couples are getting married these days, but Father Frank Berna explains on Inside CatholicPhilly.com why the sacrament of marriage is at the heart of the human community.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Youth and Liturgy

How can the Catholic faith, and the Mass in particular, engage today's youth? Oblate Father Thomas Dailey shares how even in a digitally distracted age, teens and young adults encounter God in the liturgy.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday puts Christians in the heart of the action, as Jesus enters Jerusalem to redeem us through his death and resurrection. Seminarian John Paul Heisler of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary shares how our annual remembrance of Christ's passion is new and lifegiving over two thousand years later.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: A Woman Caught in Adultery

Like the woman caught in adultery, we stand before God utterly vulnerable in our sinfulness. Seminarian Mark Tobin of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary shares how Christ restores us through his merciful love, and frees us to share that same compassion with others.