
Inside CatholicPhilly.com: The Lord of laughter

Does God have a sense of humor? Oblate Father Thomas Dailey shares how laughter helps to spread the good news of the Gospel, while deepening relationships and making life's journey easier.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: A safe haven from pornography

Archbishop Charles Chaput discusses a new initiative to protect families from pornography, and shares the Catholic faith's call to mercy and healing for those struggling with sexual addiction.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: From social webs to real communities

The internet can both connect us to others and ensnare us in self-isolation. Father Thomas Dailey, O.S.F.S. shares his thoughts on how we can build authentic networks in cyberspace and, above all, in person.

March for Life: Voices from Philadelphia

Several Philadelphia-area participants -- including teens, parents, religious and a pro-life feminist -- shared their reasons for attending the 2019 March for Life.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Love conquers racism

All are made in the image and likeness of God, so why do we too often close our hearts to those whose skin color differs from our own? Father Arthur Purcaro, O.S.A. of Villanova University shares his insights on how love conquers racism.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Homilies and what to do about them

Do you find yourself flipping through the bulletin or dozing off during the homily? Father Thomas Dailey shares the real purpose of the homily and what makes for effective preaching.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Church militant or a gentle people of God?

Many Christians are engaged in a spiritual battle with the wrong enemy. Father Thomas Dailey, O.S.F.S. shares how St. Francis de Sales focused on gentleness as a sign of God's presence in the soul.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: The lost art of listening

Too often, we talk (or shout) at each other, both in person and online. Yet God speaks to us through others, says Father Arthur Purcaro of Villanova University, and listening leads us to the Lord.

Do you believe in Christmas? Here are good reasons to

Father Matt Guckin knows it's hard to have faith, but he believes in the approachable love of the divine baby Jesus. He believes the story of simplicity continues beyond Bethlehem in Jesus' teachings, which do work.

Sabbath rest: A sit-down with Father Matt Guckin

The archdiocesan priest and popular podcaster will begin a sabbatical in 2019. In a heart-to-heart talk, he shares his thoughts on the need for rest, and his plans to study the life of St. Junipero Serra.