
Light that candle, and dispel the 3 joy wreckers

On this coming Gaudete Sunday, Father Matt Guckin advises us to find true joy in our hearts by asking God to eliminate the resentments, distractions and worries in our lives at Advent, and always.

How are 7 deadly sins cluttering Christ’s path to you?

To prepare for the celebration of Christmas, Father Matt Guckin suggests in his podcast that we make a clear-eyed examination of our lives, beginning with a look at the sins that can crush our spirits.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: How to act like Jesus on social media

Father Thomas Dailey, OSFS shares how our faith in Christ can positively influence the way we interact with others online, even (and especially) when we disagree with them.

Advent calls us to patience, a sign of love

This most fundamental of virtues enables us to wait upon the Lord, says Father Matt Guckin. Through prayer and mindfulness, we can live in calm hope amidst a troubled world.

We’re either with Christ, our king, or against him

It's easy to confuse Jesus with another king unless we remember the suffering he endured for humanity. Father Matt Guckin says we're citizens of the heavenly kingdom and we're with Christ whenever we stand with the truth.

St. Michael the archangel reveals God’s power through humility

The heroic warrior's name -- which means "who is like God?" -- contains the secret to his strength, says Father Matt Guckin. St. Michael models the humble submission required for a true relationship with the Lord.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Black Catholic History Month

Father Richard Owens, O.F.M.Cap., shares his thoughts on Black Catholic History Month and announces several upcoming listening sessions on racism in the Catholic Church.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: From online networks to human communities

How do we make friends in person, and not just in cyberspace? Father Thomas Dailey, O.S.F.S. shares how we can use the gift of modern media to build authentic connections with each other.

Love is only real when it entails sacrifice

Saving for an engagement ring and having children are just two examples of how love demands we put others ahead of ourselves, says Father Matt Guckin. The Lord modeled this love by giving his very life for us.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: What is ‘the church?’

Father Thomas Dailey, OSFS surveys the many meanings of this little word, and explains why it's important to know who "the people of God" are in order to understand the reality of "church."