
Becoming a ‘born-again Catholic’ through the Eucharist

In the bread and wine, Christ reveals his desire to have a personal relationship with us, says Father Matt Guckin.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Daughters of the King

In the age of #MeToo, wage gaps and "perfect mom" syndrome, how can women find true self-worth? Meghan Cokeley of the archdiocesan Office for the New Evangelization shares how Christ crowns women as "daughters of the King."

The sin of gluttony and the Bread of Life

Father Matt Guckin reminds us that an insatiable appetite for this world's goods blinds us to God, who is our true source of nourishment.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: ‘Humanae Vitae’ at 50

Steve Bozza, director of the archdiocesan Office for Life and Family, shares his candid, heartfelt insights on Pope Paul VI's landmark encyclical regarding contraception.

The Eucharist proves that miracles do happen

In the bread and wine, Christ works wonders to demonstrate his incredible love for us, says Father Matt Guckin.

Separating men from women, but finding aloneness with God

As pilgrims do at the Wailing Wall, we all face each other together but face God alone. We rely on his divine presence in solitude, even in our darkest moments, says Father Matt Guckin in this week's podcast.

After clergy scandals, lay prophets are needed more than ever

The world hungers for the good news of God's merciful love, says Father Matt Guckin. All of the baptized, including the laity, are called to share this message with a world that increasingly distrusts and dismisses the church.

Through weakness, Paul and other saints found true strength in God

Our limitations keep us close to God and free from pride, says Father Matt Guckin. Through them, we learn to depend on the Lord, who works through our shortcomings to draw us into a deeper relationship with him and with others.

Small ritual of Mass, breaking bread into the cup, has huge meaning

Recall how the priest breaks a piece of the host and places it in the chalice. Father Matt Guckin unpacks the symbolism of how Christ's body and blood, once torn apart, are now restored in the Resurrection, as are we.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Summertime spirituality

Does faith wear flip flops, and can you bring your Bible to the beach? Father Dennis Gill describes how summer can offer new and refreshing ways to draw closer to the Lord.