
Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Fake news and how to spot it

We've all heard about "fake news," but what exactly is it, and how can we spot it? Communications expert Father Thomas Dailey, O.S.F.S. shares his insights with editor Matt Gambino and producer Gina Christian.

Inward humility and outward boldness mark the Christian life

John the Baptist lived the message he preached, says Father Matt Guckin. As disciples of Christ, we too are called to put aside self and to serve God in others.

Selfie spirituality: Inside CatholicPhilly.com

In the age of the selfie, how can the church reach "real people"? Social media expert Father Thomas Dailey, O.S.F.S. shares his thoughts on the relationship between the actual self, the virtual self and the Gospel.

Gratitude and sacramental grace can help us to overcome depression

Several recent celebrity suicides have highlighted the age-old issue of depression, says Father Matt Guckin. Counting our blessings, spending time in God's word and receiving the Eucharist can address the spiritual aspects of this disease.

The sin against the Holy Spirit

Father Matt Guckin explains the "unforgivable sin" against the Holy Spirit, which we hear in the Gospel for this Sunday. The Spirit leads us to a recognition of our sins, for which it is never too late to repent.

On patriotism, sacrifice and the Eucharist

Memorial Day points toward the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross, says Father Matt Guckin. We celebrate the Lord's selfless, redeeming love on the feast of Corpus Christi and at every Mass.

The royal wedding and the Holy Trinity

Father Matt Guckin discusses the royal sermon last weekend that described how true love -- reflected in the Trinitarian love of God -- unites us and brings into the communion we all want, correcting the fragments of broken love in our world.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: The pope on the silver screen

A new film presents an intimate portrait of Pope Francis as "A Man of His Word." Listen to our podcast discussing what moviegoers can expect from the film, and see a list of showtimes around the region.

How the Holy Spirit works — Pentecost 2018

As Father Matt Guckin reflects on the church's feast of the "silent partner" of the Trinity, he recalls how in his own life, the Holy Spirit has stood beside us and acted through us, speaking the words we need to hear.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Be an ordination crasher

Father Dennis Gill discusses how holiness in a common priesthood of all the baptized is a call shared by all of the faithful. He also welcomes everyone to Saturday's ordination of six priests, whether you know them or not.