
Choosing the empty tomb over the empty show

In his latest podcast, Father Matt Guckin looks at the Easter Sunday liturgy in which we reject Satan's seductive appearances over the substance of authentic Christian life, and the promise of eternity.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: March for Our Lives

Editor Matt Gambino and producer Gina Christian discuss March for Our Lives, a youth movement calling international attention to the issue of gun violence in U.S. schools.

The two meanings of ‘Hosanna’

Father Matt Guckin reviews the themes of the two Gospel readings for Palm Sunday. He traces how "hosanna" evolved from a plea for God to "save me" to a shout of praise for God and a reminder that salvation is already here.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com: Spiritual direction

Editor Matt Gambino and producer Gina Christian discuss what a spiritual director does, and the value of working with one -- something that one archdiocesan parish is now enabling all of its members to do.

How to bring young people back to faith in Christ

While young people are abandoning the Catholic faith in droves, we need not despair, says Father Matt Guckin. By listening to and living out the Gospel message, we can lead youth to a relationship with Christ.

Inside CatholicPhilly.com – Pope Francis at Five

In this edition of Inside CatholicPhilly.com, editor Matt Gambino and producer Gina Christian discuss the leadership of Pope Francis, now celebrating his fifth year as the shepherd of the Catholic Church.

How to go to confession

Using his earlier training as a business analyst, Father Matt Guckin today advises that getting specific in the sacrament of penance can lead to dynamic personal transformation -- see his six steps to God's mercy.

The Ten Commandments: A practical recipe for peace

Discussions about what it means to obey God's will can seem abstract, but the law of the Lord is quite concrete -- very relevant to our everyday lives, says Father Matt Guckin.

God is telling us something good — listen to him

In explaining one of Scripture's most inscrutable readings, the Binding of Isaac, Father Matt Guckin says obedience to God is a necessary weapon in spiritual life. Humbly listening to God is in our best interest.

Lent reminds us we’re in an ongoing spiritual battle

Jesus saves us from Satan, an all-too-real enemy who wishes to destroy us. Despite our constant struggle with evil, we are not left to fight alone, says Father Matt Guckin.