
Eagles fans remind us of our God-given need for community

Celebrations of the Eagles' Super Bowl win reflect our hunger for connectedness, says Father Matt Guckin. This Sunday's readings show how Jesus heals the wounds that separate us from God and from each other.

In suffering with Christ, we are transformed into true champions

The Book of Job and the underdog Philadelphia Eagles both speak in different ways to the heartache and hopelessness felt by millions. In his weekly podcast, Father Matt Guckin describes how God can use our pain to deepen our faith and shape our character.

Silence allows God’s words of love to echo in our hearts

Noise, both within and without, can keep us from hearing God's voice. In his weekly podcast, Father Matt Guckin explains that the Lord speaks to us when we enter into silence.

Who let the dogs out?

What do the "underdog" Philadelphia Eagles have to do with this Sunday's Gospel reading? In his podcast Father Matt Guckin explains that the apostles were the classic underdogs who, like us, are transformed by Jesus' call to follow him.

What are you looking for in life? Jesus invites, ‘Come and see’

Listen to a homily for this Sunday's Mass in the podcast "Take Five" by Father Matt Guckin. Like the light from a stained glass window, the life Christ offers us looks most brilliant from the inside, with him.

An honest search for the truth always leads to Christ

Listen to a homily for the Epiphany in the podcast "Take Five" by Father Matt Guckin, an archdiocesan priest. The Magi remind us that when we search for the Lord with all of our intellect, reason and heart, we will find him.

Christmas can be a ‘Spielberg’ blockbuster, but are we listening?

Listen to a homily for Christmas in the podcast "Take Five" by Father Matt Guckin, an archdiocesan priest. In Christ's birth, God has come to be with us, and the world is "Emmanuelized."

At end of Advent, don’t miss Mary’s important voice

Listen to a homily for the Fourth Sunday of Advent in the podcast "Take Five" by Father Matt Guckin, an archdiocesan priest. He looks deeply at the story of the Mother of God, right on the cusp of Christmas.

Dark warnings give way to bright promise of life in Christ

Listen to a homily for the Third Sunday of Advent in the podcast "Take Five" by Father Matt Guckin, an archdiocesan priest. Amidst dark days, there's also a formula for rejoicing: our prayers and gratitude offered to God.

At Advent, get ready for Christ, not Christmas

Listen to a homily for the Second Sunday of Advent in the podcast "Take Five" by Father Matt Guckin, an archdiocesan priest. Rather than ask what we want for Christmas, we should learn what Christ wants: to dwell in our hearts.