
A wilting plant teaches of death in the midst life

Don't be too quick to discard dying flowers, since they can radically realign our perspective on the spirit and the world, writes Gina Christian.

The Transfiguration calls us to listen to Jesus

Pure silence is rare in our world these days, but it is only when we turn away from everyday noise that we can hear God's voice, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. As we do so, we discern the words of the Father, calling us to follow his beloved Son.

Second Week of Lent: Renewal and restoration in the desert

By listening to and obeying God, we are recreated and receive the grace to love him and others, as our set of stories from our partner Catholic News Service explains.

Transfiguration: An invitation to Lenten obedience and self-denial

The glorious revelation of Christ to his disciples calls us to become new creations by listening to God, submitting to his will, and joyfully serving him.

Lent should not be attempted alone

These 40 days are a time for us to leave our comfort zone, enter the desert and embrace those who are isolated so that we can restore them to the community.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Second Sunday of Lent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition. Reflect on this Sunday's Scriptures with our commentaries and podcasts.

Should you wear Lenten ashes all day?

Worn for the right reasons, the mark of the cross on the faithful's foreheads can witness to the Gospel, writes Father Kenneth Doyle. He clarifies for another reader whether extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist can give a blessing to those not receiving communion.

First Week of Lent: The desert journey begins

Humility and simplicity -- which lead to our personal renewal and affect our charitable giving -- are poignant themes for Lent. See our package of resources on the opening of the Lenten season.

This Lent, go without, and make a difference

The example of the humble tomato and the simplicity of Marie Kondo show writer Stephanie Clary that one does not live by bread (or bacon) alone, and one's choices really do have lasting effects on the world.

40 days of hunger and humility

Humility and simplicity sound nice, but they require a fierce discipline of consistency, writes Genevieve Mougey. They encourage us to step outside of ourselves and look to others in charity.