
Before you ‘say the word,’ read up on holy Communion

Part six of a seven-part series on the Mass looks into the culmination of the sacred mysteries in the Communion rite. See two reflections and videos in preparation for receiving the Body and Blood of Christ.

Person to person, the body of Christ

Extraordinary ministers of holy Communion extend the participation of the laity in the Mass, knowing well the honor and intensity of that grace-filled moment for each communicant.

Called to celebrate a deeper communion

If the liturgy is truly the source and summit of the church's life, the Communion rite is the source and summit of the liturgy. A catechist offers three points to remember before we receive the Lord.

Bread and wine, or body and blood of Christ?

Father Ken Doyle explains to a reader how the elements of the Eucharist retain their physical properties while becoming Christ's glorified presence. He assures another reader of the fate of miscarried children.

Endure hard times by remembering God’s love, his promise, pope says

Being a Christian, he said, means having encountered Jesus, feeling his love and choosing to believe in his hope and promise.

Love triumphs over rejection for those who live in Christ

Jesus endured disbelief and scorn with complete trust in the Father's faithfulness, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. We can be equally confident as we share in Christ's mission.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Priests must be men of joy, pope says at Mass

A priest must be able to see the people around him as his children, as brothers and sisters, and must be willing to risk everything for them out of love, Pope Francis said in his morning homily.

Gut it, rebuild it: Renovations for the way home

We are living stones, and if we're willing to be chiseled and even crushed in love's service, God can rebuild the cracked foundations and crumbling structures of church and society, writes Gina Christian.

Hope wanes in church wounded by sin, pope says

Pope Francis warned that the troubles in the church can lead to a "weariness of hope" and a "gray pragmatism" that "calls into question the viability of our mission in this world." The remedy: return to the deep well of our first love, Jesus.