
Readings of the Holy Mass – The Baptism of the Lord

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Pope offers practical tips for keeping track of one’s love of neighbor

Pope Francis offered a checklist for Catholics to keep track of how they measure up to the biblical admonition: "If anyone says, 'I love God,' but hates his brother, he is a liar."

Prayer has the power to change lives, hearts, pope says

God is a father who never ignores his children when they call to him in times of suffering, loneliness and despair, Pope Francis said.

Inside the Mass: The people get ready for worship

In the first of a seven-part series, learn how active participation in the liturgy is the new norm, and how preparation can help us celebrate the liturgy well on Sundays, and afterward.

The Mass: Not a spectator event

A football game or a film both can cause viewers to feel caught up in action before them, but they take no part in it. But in the liturgy, Vatican II called every worshiper to "take part in the sacred action."

Living the liturgy: Preparation for Sunday Mass happens all week long

The prioritization of Mass as our first weekly activity sets us up for good practices during the week ahead, including meditation, reading the Word of God, volunteering and prayerful work.

When should the Advent wreath be removed from church?

A reader notices a wide variety in when Catholic churches retain their wreath after Advent. Father Ken Doyle explains why the wreath may remain throughout the Christmas season, or not.

Love means never turning away from someone in need, pope says

Loving means putting your heart into play, willing to experience compassion and to be moved to action, Pope Francis said.

Christian faith is concrete, pope says at Mass

The saints were Christians who were "crazy for concreteness," knowing that faith is not an idea, but a relationship with Jesus, which leads to actions that demonstrate love, Pope Francis said.

Ten pockets of prayer for the new year

Small moments throughout the day offer a chance to encounter God, writes Laura Kelly Fanucci. Praying while cleaning, blessing the kids before school and saying the rosary in the car can draw us closer to the Lord.