
We’re tied to the land we call home, and to each other

More than just good feelings about a homeland, patriotism represents the kind of love that takes positive feelings and puts them into action to strengthen human bonds everywhere.

What’s origin of ‘Mass,’ and does vasectomy disqualify deacon candidate?

In Father Ken Doyle's weekly Q&A, he easily answers a reader's inquiry on the meaning of the English word for the liturgy, but finds the answer to the next question a bit more complicated.

Summer is a time to invest in our relationship with Christ

Father Dennis Gill writes that summer offers opportunity for relaxation along with time to renew our spiritual lives and help those in need. He suggests several tips for prayer and spiritual reading.

Summertime spirituality keeps faith fresh and fun

The summer months are a time for some well-deserved relaxation and refreshment. In this set of articles, we explore how this season can also be a time to deepen your experience of the Lord's love.

Keeping spiritually fit during the summer months

In this season of rest and relaxation, we can take simple steps to make sure we don't take a vacation from our vocation. Mass and daily prayer, however brief, can ensure our souls remain in shape.

Five books for your spiritual summer reading list

The warmer weather and more relaxed pace of this season lead many to unwind with a good read. These suggestions offer new ways of looking at our relationship with God, and provide refreshing inspiration.

Vacation Bible School makes faith formation fun

School may be out, but catechism continues, thanks to parish programs that keep kids engaged with God during the summer months.

Prayers for the Trump-Kim meeting on Korea

A reader wants to know why no prayers were offered for the U.S.-North Korea summit meeting, but Father Ken Doyle points out the many ways those prayers were, or should have been, communicated to the faithful.

As with John the Baptist, God loves us and has a plan

In recalling the story of the Baptist's birth to be heard at this Sunday's Mass, Msgr. Joseph Prior reminds us how God calls each of us by name for a mission, and leads us always in love and mercy.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.