
Unlike geometry, parallel lives can cross in angle of merciful love

Gina Christian knows parallel lines aren't supposed to intersect, but they did one day when she encountered a young woman in a homeless encampment lying in the shadow of a city office tower.

Valuing cultural diversity in parishes

Catholics need to work together to form parish communities where every person, regardless of race, ethnicity or culture, has a place at the eucharistic table -- our package of stories offers some practical considerations.

Donating your body to science can build culture of life

St. John Paul II called organ donation an act of "everyday heroism," and Father Ken Doyle explains some cautions for the practice that Catholics should keep in mind well before death.

Come, Holy Spirit!: Black spirituality and the Catholic Church

In ecclesial settings where unity is valued over uniformity, black Catholic spirituality has been fruitful in areas of evangelization, pastoral ministry, social justice, Christian initiation as well as community-building initiatives that respond to the particular needs of the black faithful and others seeking God.

Best practices in Hispanic ministry

With countless parishes in the United States seeing a growing number of immigrants, many ministers are unsure of what the best ways to integrate the old and new parishioners are. Patti Gutierrez has served in Hispanic ministry in the Diocese of Owensboro, Kentucky, for the past 13 years, and provides insight into best practices for […]

Parish ministry in a multicultural church: Where are we?

After decades of cultural, ethnic and racial groups sharing parishes, we might ask how things are going.

Graduation: A time for discernment before stepping forward

The transition from one phase of life to the next, especially after graduation, offers the opportunity for reflection and our package of stories presents some fruitful ways to do just that. 

Three tips for reflecting on life’s highlights before moving on

Father Geoffrey Brooke offers an easy way of including God in our decision-making process before entering the next phase in life. The first step is a personal examination of conscience.

Recent graduates describe service in ‘gap years’

Before starting higher education or working, the experiences of volunteering for a year can shape recent graduates' worldviews and faith lives. Three grads tell how their lives were enriched helping others.

A prayer for graduates

The grueling exams are finished but ahead lies a whole new set of tests and challenges, surprises and gifts. Effie Caldarola writes a prayer that graduates would do well to offer to the Lord as they reach a turning point in life.