
Readings of the holy Mass – Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Devotions and popular piety bring faith into everyday life

Whether you say a rosary, pray to a particular saint or travel on a pilgrimage, devotions can deepen your awareness of God's presence.

Devotions help Catholics find God in daily life

Praying the rosary or asking for a saint's intercession can supplement our faith, strengthening us between eucharistic meals like a spiritual snack.

A devotional life will not leave us as it found us

Devotions take a number of forms, but when they are rooted in Scripture and the Eucharist, they bring faith into the whole of our everyday lives.

Catholics worldwide find strength in popular devotions

From Peru to the Philippines -- and everywhere in between -- the Catholic faith is expressed in creative, inspiring ways.

We’ve been invited to a royal wedding, and proper attire is required

God has invited all of us to new life in him through Christ, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Our response demonstrates how much we value such a magnificent offer.

Are you ready to be a child again?

The upcoming holiday season invites us to reconnect with the simple joys of childhood, writes Sister Constance Veit. More than nostalgia, these values are life-giving principles that nurture our relationship with God and with each other.

Life has shades of gray that reveal a rainbow of color

We're often tempted to paint others with a broad brush and a limited palette, writes Gina Christian. But if we look more closely, we discover dimensions that labels can't capture.

Nothing is in vain, nothing is resistant to love, pope says

By staying united with Christ, nothing can stop the faithful, even "the coldness of difficult moments do not paralyze us," Pope Francis said. He also appealed for people to pray the rosary and to safeguard creation.

Is it right to hope prayer will ‘change God’s mind?’

Without presuming to know the mind of God, Father Ken Doyle explains to a reader Jesus' invitation to pray to the Father, who listens to us and yet already knows what we need.