
A people of patience

In the liturgical life of Catholics, waiting is a foregone conclusion. Advent is a time of waiting and preparation. Perhaps a more fitting word to describe this season would be "anticipation."

A change of heart, for an eternity of happiness

Commenting on the readings for the Second Sunday of Advent, Msgr. Joseph Prior writes that the season provides the time to look at how we live each day, and for renewal before the coming of the Lord.

Readings of the holy Mass – Second Sunday of Advent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Can a Catholic be buried in a national cemetery?

Yes, writes Father Ken Doyle in answer to a reader's question, in which he digs further into Catholic burial practices. He also replies to another reader's question about receiving Communion outside of Mass.

Advent Week Two: Look to the past and future to prepare for the Lord’s coming

CatholicPhilly.com continues the four-week series on Advent in which Catholics prepare to celebrate the first coming of the Lord and the second coming of Christ at the end of time.

Advent: A moment ‘pregnant with Christ’

Advent reminds Michelle Francl-Donnay that, even in these storm-trammeled days, despite imperfections, this moment is ever pregnant with possibilities, this moment is always charged with God's grandeur.

Advent preparation: Are we ready to receive Jesus?

Advent is a time for serious reflection on our lives as disciples of Jesus, and the Scriptures for the second Sunday of Advent give us a wonder-filled look at life for the Christian believer upon the second coming.

How to craft a Jesse tree with your family

There's great value in knowing your roots. And that's exactly what a Jesse tree offers kids at Advent -- the chance to learn about Jesus' own family history as well as our connection to stories from the Old Testament.

Roots, stems and other natural images are central to Advent

Images such as new shoots from dead stumps and lions laying with calves foretell the universal peace that will reign when the Messiah comes, for all peoples will seek out the root of Jesse.

On Communion and anointing of the sick

Father Ken Doyle in his weekly Q&A column explains the sacrament of anointing and when a person may receive Communion. Also, a reader wonders if Americans who voted for Hillary Clinton will go to hell.