
To Lay Groundwork for Vocations, Live in Humility

During Vocations Awareness Week, Father David O’Brien calls on Catholics to nurture the response of young people to follow God’s call to priesthood and religious life.

When We Love God and Neighbor as Ourself, We Enter the Kingdom

In this Sunday's Gospel Jesus teaches that the Kingdom of God is near. Msgr. Joseph Prior explains Jesus' model of loving self-sacrifice as the way to manifest God's reign today.

In Time of Stress and Fatigue, Jesus Calls Us to Joy

Worry and anxiety can weigh us down and lead to blindness, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Like the blind man in this Sunday's Gospel, we cry out to Jesus. He hears us and heals us.

Glory With Jesus Means Serving, and Suffering, Through Him

At every Mass we celebrate the self-sacrifice of Jesus and his mission of redemption. Msgr. Joseph Prior explains this model of loving service that Jesus describes for his disciples in the Gospel, and his invitation to us today.

Following Jesus Requires Us to Overcome Obstacles

In this Sunday's Gospel, a man's riches pose an obstacle to following Jesus. Msgr. Joseph Prior explains the things we cling to must be renounced so we may follow Jesus on the path of life.

Married Couples: Missionaries of God’s Love for the World

In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus gives a reply about divorce and teaches on the gift of marriage. Msgr. Joseph Prior reflects on the married couples he has known and how they imperfectly but beautifully witness to God's love in the life they live together.

Facing Temptation, Avoiding Sin Requires a Deep Look Inside

Envy and jealousy appear in this Sunday's readings. Msgr. Joseph Prior explains Jesus' teaching on the temptation to sin by showing the Lord's encouragement and promise of abundant life in him.

Be the Loving Servant to the Weakest, Jesus Tells His Disciples

Recognizing another person's needs before one’s own, and then responding to those needs, is an act of sacrificial love to which Jesus calls his disciples. It's an act of carrying one's cross with him from suffering to new life, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.

Jesus Invites Us to Carry Our Cross with Love, to Life

Msgr. Joseph Prior explains that we may see the crosses in our life as suffering, but God sees them as love, as Jesus saw his own suffering on the cross as an act of love for everyone.

Action of Jesus Heals Us, Gives Life Meaning, Transforms World

How might we thank Jesus for his gifts of healing in our life? Msgr. Joseph Prior offers the story of a successful coach who did so publicly -- just like those in the Gospel who praise the Lord "who has done all things well."