To Cultivate the Law of Love, Jesus Reminds Us to Live Just Lives
Msgr. Joseph Prior explains that in this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus reminds us that in order to live lives that are just and filled with joy and peace, we need to focus on the law of love in our hearts.
As His Followers Show Doubt, Jesus Asks for Act of Faith
Msgr. Joseph Prior explains that when Jesus' identifies himself as the One who offers his own body, and who will be crucified, many disciples turned away. The remaining few professed their trust in him, as we are invited to do today.
Jesus Invites Us to the Meal of Himself, for Union With the Father
The Bread of Life discourse continues in this Sunday's Gospel, in which Jesus teaches the people how his body and blood are true food and drink. Msgr. Joseph Prior shows the link between this food, the cross, the resurrection and eternal life.
Jesus the Teacher Gives a Lesson on Life, and on Trust in Him
In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus expands his teaching on the Bread of Life. Msgr. Joseph Prior shows how the Lord invites us to faith in him, to listen to him and share in his sacrifice, leading us to eternal life.
Jesus Calls Us to Faith in Him that Leads to Eternal Life
As we hear further the "bread of life discourse" in this Sunday's Gospel, Msgr. Joseph Prior explains Jesus' invitation to place our trust and faith in him who feeds us now, and leads us one day to himself in heaven.
When Life Seems Impossible, God Seeks to Move Us From Doubt to Faith
Msgr. Joseph Prior points out that the Scriptures often show people facing seemingly impossible situations. But Jesus embraces humanity with grace, proving “nothing is impossible with God.”
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, Answers All Our Needs
Msgr. Joseph Prior explains how Jesus identifies himself as the Lord who walks with his people and cares for them, and raises up shepherds in our time to continue his compassionate care.
Politics in a Time of Crisis
Our problematic national political culture, with its white-hot rhetoric, will fail to achieve unity until we agree on the fundamental questions of human existence as rooted in natural law, writes Father Eric Banecker.
As With the Apostles, Jesus Sends Us All on Mission
Msgr. Joseph Prior writes that the followers of Jesus, like the prophets, possessed no special skills to be missionaries. But because God is with us, we are asked to invite others to share in God’s divine life.
Saints Peter and Paul: Models for Christian Life
On the solemnity of the saints this Saturday, Fr. Eric Banecker recounts how they embraced the adventure of discipleship and mission and how we can all follow in their example.