
Readings of the Holy Mass: Second Sunday of Lent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

At life’s pivotal times we hear: Do not be afraid

Msgr. Joseph Prior explains the readings for this Sunday's Mass and how we are called to listen to God's voice. When life's moments of trouble and anxiety overwhelm us, we recall his words to “Rise, do not be afraid.”

Give God control, and watch the good that happens

Cathy Peacock tells the story of Ed Morris, who although he knew God loved him, never dreamed he'd be leading prayer services for hundreds of people to share the joy of knowing Christ.

Scoring the best seat in the house

A front-row-only friend shows Gina Christian that sitting next to Christ, especially when he hides himself in those we overlook or dismiss, offers a view of heaven itself.

Take time for silent prayer in a noisy world

As Jesus did, so we need to get away -- pop into a dimly lit church, walk in a quiet park, sit silently with a cup of coffee in a corner of the house. Sister Nancy Usselmann says Lent is the perfect time to recommit to daily prayer.

A spectacular Lenten failure

Connie Poulos had a plan to spend an extra 30 minutes a day with Jesus in prayer until her busy schedule squeezed out that time. So she met Jesus in the cross and made him part of her everyday life.

Readings of the Holy Mass: First Sunday of Lent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Jesus shows us how to answer devil’s temptations

Msgr. Joseph Prior explains the Scriptures for the First Sunday of Lent, including the stories of Satan's temptations. The disciplines of Lent help fortify us in life so we can say, as Jesus did, “Get away Satan.”

Ash Wednesday, my best birthday ever

When your special day coincides with the start of Lent, dessert is off the table -- but some much-needed perspective is on the menu, writes Gina Christian.

Lent isn’t what you think, and you’re not in it alone

Many Catholics deny themselves a "Lent well spent" by forgetting that "we’re weak together, and we can become stronger together," said Father Dennis Gill, director of the archdiocesan Office for Divine Worship.