
Pope Francis’ June 2023 Prayer Intention | Watch Video

In his prayer intention for this month, Pope Francis asks us to pray for ecclesial movements and groups

At Pentecost, The Spirit Unites Us Together In Mission

Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for Pentecost Sunday.

Jesus Shows Us that Love is at the Heart of Prayer

Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Seventh Sunday of Easter.

Pope Francis’ May 2023 Prayer Intention | Watch Video

In his prayer intention for this month, Pope Francis asks us to pray for ecclesial movements and groups

Jesus Is Still With Us Even After His Ascension To Heaven

Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Sixth Sunday of Easter.

The History of the American Church is Rooted in the Phrase “Love One Another as I Have Loved You”

In his latest column, Father Ravert writes of the Baltimore synods and councils recalling, "Whatever political, social, or canonical issues were at the center during the sessions in Baltimore in those early days, the truth behind them all was to highlight the love of God."

Mighty Rivers of Faith Flow from Determined Little Streams

Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Fifth Sunday of Easter.

Peering into the Past, Finding Hope in History

In his latest column, Fr. Ravert writes, "History certainly has dark moments full of error and tragedy. Despite that darkness, the light of Christ shines brightly through the people and events of the past which have shaped us today."

Jesus, our Good Shepherd, will never lead us astray

Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Easter.

Jesus is the Good News, let us share His hope with all

Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Third Sunday of Easter.