
In a mixed marriage, must children be baptized as Catholic?

Father Kenneth Doyle explains church requirements for parents in ecumenical or interfaith unions. In response to another reader, he clarifies where our souls will end up when both heaven and earth pass away.

Asian, Pacific Islands Catholics in U.S. live out faith, challenge church to new growth

Rich in culture, history and faith, these communities are bringing new growth to the church in a land far from their ancestral homes. In this set of articles from Catholic News Service, we explore their experiences and the pastoral approaches that best fit them.

The new pastoral response to Asian and Pacific Island communities in the U.S.

With a population of close to 3 million, Asian and Pacific Island Catholics in the U.S. are a vibrant part of the body of Christ. The U.S. bishops are seeking ways to help them and the church "encounter Christ in harmony."

Devotions to Mary inspire Catholics in Asia

Persecuted Catholics throughout Asia have been drawn to Mary, with special devotions arising at La Vang in Vietnam and at Donglu in China. In each place, Mary's representation takes on the features of those who honor her, highlighting her solidarity with believers.

Healing and saving all peoples, God is worthy of praise

The Lord's generous love touches wounded bodies and souls in all the earth, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Giving thanks for the many ways we encounter God's goodness every day is essential.

Readings of the Holy Mass: Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Sowing in tears leads to reaping in joy

A dying garden and wasted sunflower seeds remind Gina Christian that a difficult summer has quickly faded into winter's coming gloom. But in Christ, we can trust that our tears will ultimately water a bountiful, and beautiful, harvest.

Respect for life starts with individuals, extends to parish communities

October is Respect Life Month in the United States, and this package of resources helps Catholics and all people understand how they can work together to build a culture of life.

How parishes can support families with pregnancy and infant loss

Parish communities can support families before, during and after a family's crisis pregnancy and the death of an infant, writes a mother experienced with both. Parishes can memorialize, offer sacraments and accompany families in their most difficult hour.

Small, local efforts to build a culture that respects life

From helping at pregnancy resource centers or in nursing homes and hospice centers and at every point in between, we help one another to bear the burdens of life and to welcome every human life, writes Elizabeth Kirk.