
Encyclical draws connections to coherent opposition to abortion

The belief that more contraception leads to fewer abortions is not supported by the evidence, writes Charlie Camosy. Humane Vitae warned in 1968 about this disconnect between sex and procreation.

What preceded the Big Bang? It isn’t a meaningless question

Some important questions lie outside the sciences, and despite the contributions of scientists like Stephen Hawking, limiting one's intellectual scope doesn't provide much help in getting to an answer, writes John Garvey.

What I learned at the presynod gathering

Wife, mother and youth minister Katie Prejean-McGrady learned firsthand at a Rome meeting how sharing and living the Catholic faith happens best: in community and in dialogue.

A little boy meets a pastor, then the trolls come out

When Pope Francis comforted a boy asking whether his dead father is in heaven, some were moved to tears and others to jibes. Greg Erlandson wonders about some of our pew mates, and everyone's call to joy.

What the loss of plant species should be telling us

With Earth Day coming up April 22, Maureen Pratt thinks about plant extinctions and maintaining a balance in the ecosystem, and in our appreciation for the God of all creation.

For Earth Day 2018 and beyond, say no to plastic bags

Discarded plastic items such as shopping bags are choking waterways and marine life, writes Effie Caldarola. By taking a few simple steps, we can collectively reduce this waste and preserve our God-given environment.

A conversation about ‘Humanae Vitae’ may finally be possible

Released during the throes of the sexual revolution, the papal encyclical fell on seemingly deaf ears. Fifty years later, its predictions have proven that the world may now be ready to listen, writes Charlie Camosy.

Pope Francis spells out three steps to joy

With the release of "Gaudete et Exsultate," the pontiff continues to emphasize the essential connection between holiness and true happiness, writes Father Geoffrey Brooke. Both are encountered in the ordinary experiences of daily life.

Uncut diamonds: Forming priests in today’s ‘change of age’

Seminary rector and Allentown Diocese priest, Msgr. Andrew Baker, writes of how seminarians are learning how to share a relationship with Christ and his church joyfully with others as disciples, not simply shepherds.

Mom and Dad differ on styles of prayer for kids

Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain discuss how a family with a strong foundation in Catholic faith can enrich the prayer life of their children who don't attend Catholic school.