
Gratitude is good for you, and it makes you happy

Once you start to find blessings in your life, they multiply, writes Maria-Pia Negro Chin. Giving thanks is good for our hearts (lower stress) and our relationships as we share the blessings we celebrate this month.

He might not be ‘brother’s keeper,’ but wife wants to see empathy

A woman is moved by the shooting in Las Vegas and inspired by those who aided victims. But her husband doesn't care about people he doesn't know. Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain discuss how to heal their rift.

From sexual harassment to the pay gap, America has changed little

Things have changed since Effie Caldarola was young. But when it comes to unequal pay for women, the abuse of power by men and our own attitudes, society hasn't come a long way, she writes.

Young folks, listen up: The elderly have much to tell you

For a culture that idolizes youth, it's tempting to keep old people "in the closet," as Pope Francis has said. But they have wisdom, so young people should go out of their way to listen patiently, advises Elise Italiano.

Encourage the value of travel, don’t restrict it

"Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind," wrote the Roman philosopher Seneca. Father Eugene Hemrick sees the need to view all people as a gift, not a threat, whether we travel to them or they come here.

How to stay sober and still have fun at social gatherings

Recovering from addiction doesn't mean you have to shun parties, writes Adam Cook. With some advance planning, you can enjoy get-togethers while protecting your sobriety.

New media reshapes us and taps our religious memory

If we were "amusing ourselves to death" in the television era, then we may be reconnecting to our cultural memory in the internet age, speculates Brett Robinson. The Catholic Church is sitting on a treasure trove of memory that is waiting to be rediscovered.

Teens can be saints, too

Maria-Pia Negro Chin tells of the remarkable holiness of a woman who died in 1990 at age 18, whom the church proclaims "blessed." She is just one of many young models of holiness for teenagers today.

Soldiers know what they sign up for, from here to eternity

Whether it's a president's words of consolation or a monument to fallen soldiers, Richard Doerflinger knows there is no greater love than to die in service to another. He knows because his son was killed serving in Iraq.

Harvey Weinstein’s not alone, and his attitude is rampant

The Hollywood mogul accused predatory sexual bullying stands at the head of an industry that has helped to hypersexualize our nation, writes Greg Erlandson. Chastity is still the surest antidote to piggish behavior and the Weinsteining of America.