
Jesuit journal’s essay was an overreaction to a questionable problem

Even if an "ecumenism of hate" exists someplace, it is hardly the huge problem two Rome-based authors imagine, writes Russell Shaw, who cites a growing convergence of views among Catholics and evangelicals on social issues.

Civilta Cattolica misses richness of Catholic-evangelical relations

There is much to admire about the relationship, writes Jesuit Father Drew Christiansen. Problems arise when those on either side, or both, force their partisan issues into social ecumenism or apply their political infighting skills to it.

Lessons in simplicity when the ground crumbles away

The simple life of Benedictine monks living on a California mountain has become much harder as rock slides threaten their monastery and livelihood, writes Maureen Pratt. Hardship is "what we train for," the prior said.

A Mass confusion, or sign of unity amid difference?

Seeing a "Balkanization" of Masses in one parish, Greg Erlandson doesn't think we need a "My Mass is better than your Mass" argument, but instead a recognition of blessed diversity in the liturgy.

Who speaks for Charlie Gard?

Richard Doerflinger explains how American law best reflects Catholic teaching with regard to a British baby boy with a serious illness. The courts should let Charlie live in the embrace of his loving family.

Almsgiving isn’t just for Lent

Father Eugene Hemrick saw the wisdom as his mother gave away all of his deceased dad's tools. Sacrificing one's personal goods to help others is mercy par excellence and a road to joy.

Priests in Scotland and U.S. facing challenges on global scale

In a series of talks for archdiocesan priests at their recent convocation, Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Scotland describes the difficulties of his country that are heading here. The American Church’s strengths uniquely enable it to influence the life of the Church.

Like a ‘compact city,’ Church needs priests working together

Archbishop Philip Tartaglia describes what true priestly fraternity looks like, and why priests helping one another to stay strong is important for the health of the church.

Holy priests are set apart, as the Church is from the culture

Archbishop Philip Tartaglia teaches that from the time of the Roman Empire to the present, people both run to and are repelled by the Church. The reason: “apartness” is part of Christianity. Celibate priests should best represent this dynamic.

The elderly are vital to the church’s mission

WIth their growing numbers, senior citizens are becoming the mainstay of parish life and ministry. Their faith, wisdom and experience are treasures to be embraced by younger generations.