
Pope’s video captures a 7-minute ‘catholic’ moment

If St. Francis were tweeting from the terra-cotta rooftops of Assisi today, he might avert his eyes briefly from the sparrows and the azure sky to tap out this message with both thumbs: "Preach the Gospel at all times. Use an iPhone 5s, if necessary."

Blessed are the peacemakers

On Good Friday, we recall the violation, mutilation and crucifixion inflicted on Christ. Sadly, such acts continue today. Carolyn Woo, head of Catholic Relief Services, knows Christ promised peace, but we're called to do our part.

Healing the moral wounds of our warriors

Once a soldier can kill another person and feel nothing, he wonders, "What is morally right anymore?" An editorial urges national leaders to seriously examine the act of war itself and remember its long-term effects. For combat soldiers, the church offers healing.

The battle we’re not winning

While taking a walk and praying the rosary, columnist Moises Sandoval noticed Jehovah's Witnesses going door to door. He believes Catholics are being outhustled in the streets. The difficult work of home visiting does not seem to be our thing.

Violence must be tolerated, not celebrated

Police and the military deserve respect, even admiration, writes columnist Steve Kent. But when admiration extends to glorification, it is time to take a step back.

St. Elizabeth’s service day a blessing for those served, and those serving

Three hundred members of the parish fanned out across Chester County last weekend in various community service projects. One included parishioner Jean Reamer's team of 14 who spruced up a Coatesville community center.

Caring for elderly parents strains a marriage, but tasks can be managed

A couple with children finds it isn’t easy to care also for aging parents, but they can be supported if the whole family works together with love and understanding, write columnists Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain.

Our need for a little more mercy

Mercy isn't a popular word today. Revenge pervades our politics, our entertainment and our own lives. A guest writer suggests two ways we can make our actions of mercy speak to the rest of society, witnessing to the compassion that our world so desperately needs.

Does modesty matter?

In a society that increasingly has no boundaries between dignity and base instinct, people of faith need to act and appear with respect for self and others, writes columnist Maureen Pratt. That's a challenge that will probably increase.

If fewer days are ahead than behind, look ahead with faith

Once we were young, healthy, with lives ahead of us, writes columnist Effie Caldarola, who now in the later third of life sees the death of friends. The now limited horizon has beauty in its temporality, each day more precious. There aren't any to squander.