
A governor’s brave step against the death penalty

The state of Washington will not be executing anyone for at least three years under Gov. Jay Inslee. Although columnist Steve Kent and the state's bishops applaud the decision, Kent recognizes that strong emotions will keep the issue far from settled.

It is right to question ‘the way it’s always been done’

Columnist Erick Rommel poses a thought experiment that can help us discern bad patterns of thinking from the positive benefits of experience. But first, we must question the status quo.

A Jesuit brother’s tale of physical and spiritual brawn

Columnist Effie Caldarola introduces Brother Pat Douglas, a vocation promoter and the first Jesuit brother in the Midwest in 30 years. What's the difference between a brother and a priest? "Think of me as a bald, muscular nun," he said.

Country to Congress: Do your job

Failure to fix the immigration system is just one reason why 82 percent of people disapprove of the U.S. Congress, writes columnist Stephen Kent. Everyone says immigration reform is vital but no one wants to touch it.

An ode to winter

Columnist Father Eugene Hemrick counts all the blessings of our winter wonderland. Really.

President Obama defends religious freedom — overseas

President Obama tried to defend his policies on religious freedom at the National Prayer Breakfast. But Terry Mattingly asks, what about the religious-liberty conflicts currently unfolding here in the United States? And what about Obama's attack on what he considers extreme forms of faith, including people who oppose gay rights?

Addiction’s destruction of the future

Columnist Erick Rommel thinks about an old friend who died from drug addition. He wonders why he didn't see the signs earlier, and wonders about the future that will never be. Mostly, he just misses his friend.

Marriage looks much like the Easter story

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has designated a week in February as National Marriage Week for us to celebrate the blessings of traditional marriage. Carolyn Woo reflected on her native Southeast Asia and a region that shows alarming rates of decline in marriage.

It’s time to end an economy of exclusion

Income inequality doesn't stir much interest other than in those at the very bottom or at very top, writes columnist Stephen Kent. But the vast middle can bring about fundamental, systemic change, the kind called for by Catholic social teaching.

You can’t go back in time, but you can learn from mistakes

In a grief support group, columnist Bill Dodds remembers his wife's sayings and their life together. Regrets -- he's had a few -- are part of life but we can grow from them. The grief is awful, but the love was worth it.