
Music might be changing, but not the message

Columnist John Garvey can't help but see the irony of a secular culture that loves Pope Francis' clothes and a few of his phrases, but won't tolerate religious symbols, clothing or the name of God in public expression.

Saving South Sudan

From Juba, the capital city of South Sudan, the Catholic bishops of that republic proclaimed on Nov. 15 a pastoral message of "hope and encouragement," marking the conclusion of the church's Year of Faith and celebrating this young state's independence from Sudan in 2011.

Why I’m going to the Philippines

Pictures and numbers that show the disastrous effect of Typhoon Haiyan numb the mind. More than 4 million people have been displaced -- about the population of Kentucky.

Human trafficking a shameful reality in Pa.

Pennsylvania is a “pass through state” whose laws and atmosphere make it easier for traffickers to carry out their war, primarily, on women, writes columnist Joelle Shea.

A missed opportunity

The controversy over a gay official at a Seattle Catholic school has been kept alive as fuel for those who delight in portraying the church as a rule-obsessed bureaucracy, writes columnist Steve Kent. An opportunity has been missed to present the whys of Catholic teaching, not only the rules.

The invisible problem of modern slavery among us

If you connect the term "human trafficking" with exotic locales and wild action films, you're like a lot of people, including columnist Effie Caldarola few years ago. Now she knows it could affect the adolescent next door.

The ultimate wisdom behind technology

The inspiration behind NASA's mind-boggling achievements comes from God, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. Equally awe-inspiring is God's desire that we be co-creators with him.

Stay united in defense of life, despite bullying tactics

The American people -- especially those outside New York state -- are on a different page than Gov. Andrew Cuomo when it comes to abortion, says an editorial in the Tablet, newspaper of the Diocese of Brooklyn. They value human life, and they are moving closer every day to protecting it, little by little.

Putting poverty before politics

The "war on poverty" marked its 50th anniversary this year. As with other metaphorical wars (inflation, drugs, terror) and actual wars (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan), this war has reached no conclusion, Steve Kent writes.

How to reclaim that resolution for better health

Many people set larger-than-life goals at the beginning of the year that are practically impossible to achieve soon after. These goals are unreachable without laying the groundwork, writes Maureen Pratt, and they involve the hard work of changing habits.