
Lessons from death row inmates’ last words

We spend so much time on the Internet that we're often numb to what we see. It's rare that something makes us stop and reconsider truths we hold self-evident. Columnist Erick Rommel found one such website.

Picking your battles and causes

Columnist Bill Dodds knows we cannot save the world -- that position has already been filled -- but we can take concrete actions to support the causes we most care about.

Finding big and small ways to end hunger

Catholic Relief Services' President Carolyn Woo underscores the reasons for global hunger and how everyone, together, can help end it.

The gifts left to us by giants

Columnist Moises Sandoval reflects on a leadership model of generosity and humility, where "leaders who trust people with the truth, hard truths, are trusted back."

Pa.’s abortion rates decline as pro-life support grows

Are tougher laws and stricter standards the reason fewer women are choosing abortion? Maybe. But what if it is the other way around? What if abortion restrictions are succeeding in state legislatures because more people think abortion is the wrong choice?

Jan. 22: Marching for the Unborn

Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, will march for life in Washington next week for the unborn who many deem not worthy of life, like his own brother. Archbishop Chaput will lead a morning Mass at the national shrine before the March for Life.

Widen your perspective, see how amazing the world is

This year, columnist Karen Osborne wants to see what astronauts see from space: a united world where people will work together for the advancement of all. That's what God wants us to do as Catholics.

Do yourself a favor: Take up fasting

It wasn't the abundance of Christmas food or New Year's resolutions that got columnist Effie Caldarola to recommit to fasting for the good of her body and her soul.

The federal budget deal that overlooked millions

Columnist Steve Kent's modest proposal for hammering out a budget: Roll out a $122 million F-35 fighter jet and assemble a sufficient number of unemployment recipients until the sum of their annual benefits match the cost of the plane. Then let each side make its case for the money.

Might a child’s death also mean end of a marriage?

In their Marriage Matters column, Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain address the worst possibility for a parent. The strain of grieving for their child puts enormous stress on the parents' relationship, but there are ways to cope.