
Lou Gehrig’s life lesson holds up today

In a time in which people increasingly take shelter with like-minded people -- from the news we read to the parishes we attend -- the great ballplayer's life shows we should try to bloom wherever we're planted, writes Elise Italiano Ureneck.

Navigating a post-pandemic world as a nonprofit

After a year living with the pandemic, things are beginning to return to normal. Sarah Hanley describes how for non-profits, normal now looks different than it did before.

Arise, receive the vaccine, save lives

Many people in our society, including in Catholic communities, reject or downplay the importance of vaccination during the present pandemic, writes Hosffman Ospino. Vaccines are a priority to protect life and the common good.

To fight racism, Black Christians learned to ‘lift every voice and sing’

In the face of never-ending white supremacist violence, Shannen Dee Williams joins calls for the church to practice resistance by embracing Black cultural traditions, especially sacred songs.

Sharing abundantly, without holding back

Katie Prejean McGrady's young daughter wanted to give a gift because she loved her teacher, showing how we should take intentional time this Easter to look for ways we can give.

Our colorful answer to the culture’s greyness

Homes, walls, clothes: grey is a popular color that reflects the conformity of our age, writes Father Eric Banecker. The vigor of a robust Catholicism can bring beauty and light to our world.

Pandemic reminds us we are made for loving relationship

Mother Agnes Mary Donovan knows how pregnant women may carry the sorrow of abandonment and rejection due to the new life they have received. But we have all been reminded of the fragility of life and importance of love, through Christ.

Facing the sin of racism: This is who we are

When horrible events happen in America, we say, "This is not who we are." But we must acknowledge our history of slavery, violence and racial discrimination. We must fully learn our history, the great and the sinful, writes Effie Caldarola.

EcoPhilly launches local effort to take better care of creation

Backed by Archbishop Pérez and led by Nicholas Collura and John Humphreys, the group is empowering Catholic parishioners to take up ways of combatting climate change, caring for local wildlife and practicing environmental stewardship.

Know the challenges of autism, encourage people with it

Despite their difficulties in interpreting social cues, people with autism have unique gifts to bring and a right to a place at the table of the Body of Christ, writes Maureen Pratt.