
The Catch-22 for religious freedom

Richard Doerflinger describes how some wish to strip a particular group's religious exemption because they're not religious enough (i.e., Catholics') while affirming it for groups in which the exemption is irrelevant.

Parish mergers demand bridges for diverse members

Edith Avila Olea observes how many parishes in the U.S. are merging, and the result often is divided communities of people with different languages. Parish leaders should embrace the change, without fear.

Maternity Parish celebrates place where St. Katharine prayed

Parishioner Joe Devine describes the Old Church of the Northeast Philadelphia parish, celebrating its 150th anniversary, where Philadelphia's heiress-turned-saint visited regularly. Her feast day is March 3.

Another infernal betrayal in the church

Greg Erlandson finds echoes of Dante's "Inferno" in the sins of powerful churchmen of our time, including laymen like Jean Vanier. We should look at the church's cult of celebrity, and leave the saint making to God.

Like musicians, we keep our gaze on the Conductor

When we focus intently on the gaze of the Father and actively seek his presence -- like the cues of a maestro -- we come to learn how he wants us to pursue his will for our lives, writes Julia Brawley.

Ashes we cannot see should start a revolution this Lent

The point of Ash Wednesday is that others can see our ashes, but we cannot, writes Father Eric Banecker, who calls for "Copernican Revolution" of the church and ourselves, to prayer and action.

Archbishop’s installation reminds us to unleash God’s love

For Patrick Walsh, the installation Mass of Archbishop Nelson Perez called to mind the importance of helping someone feel seen and cherished. Our opportunity to make someone feel God’s embrace is a little altar to reverence.

Third Hispanic archbishop signals rise of Hispanics in U.S. church

As Catholicism of the 21st century becomes increasingly Hispanic, there is something both powerful and political in the appointment of leaders such as Archbishop Nelson Perez, writes Hosffman Ospino.

Don’t play loose with the truth

Lack of honesty can destroy families, society and the very fabric of life, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. Christ calls us to live justly, countering indifference with prophetic zeal.

Parishes should invite people with disabilities to volunteer

Every parish needs helpers in ministry, but the obstacles presented to people with special needs can be overcome so volunteers can offer as much as they can, opening doors to untold graces, writes Maureen Pratt.