
Why pray for the dead?

We are never alone, even in death. So we have a duty to the dead by our prayers, writes Elise Italiano Ureneck on purgatory, the state where God "can put the pieces back together again."

Making peace in our homes for the holidays

With public discourse increasingly fractious and families straddling gaps of age and opinion, fear of contentious holidays have merit. Maureen Pratt advises how we can make good memories in the family home.

We’re proud millennials seeking a home in our church

Katie Prejean McGrady had her "OK, boomer" moment, and she doesn't apologize for her generation's gifts and flaws. Millennials are woke, and ready to be awakened by the Catholic Church.

Sex abuse crisis not over, by a long shot

Both the Vatican and the U.S. bishops have instituted major reforms to hold bishops accountable when accused of abuse or its cover-up. They give a sense of hope, but as Greg Erlandson notes, there is still a long way to go.

Confronting the secular trend of Hispanics in the U.S.

While the Catholic Church in the United States is increasingly Hispanic, the Hispanic community in this country is less Catholic than ever.

Event puts FOCUS on the good, beautiful, true

Seminarian Christopher Massaro found the church is alive and well at his first SEEK conference, and he invites young people to discover it for themselves at the next one in Phoenix in December.

Eureka!: Stressed students discover benefits of silent prayer

Sister Rose Mulligan, I.H.M., sees the stress of her Immaculata chemistry students and how they are aided by the healing effects of prayer. Their openness to the chemistry of the soul counters cultural trends.

Exhaustion in our polarized age

The way we avoid getting beaten down by the world’s chaos or the church’s internal strife, says Father Eric Banecker, is to embrace prayer and silence, and by being faithful to our mission in whatever state of life.

Humility helps us see the sacred in the sublime

Father Thomas Dailey looks back with awe on the just-completed 40 Hours devotion at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, whose institutional motto of humilitas guides everyone who seeks to be a saint.

Fearlessness and the American bishops in Rome

The U.S. bishops visiting Rome can begin to correct a prevailing cartoonish view of American Catholics so that a serious conversation between Rome and America about the Catholic future in the U.S. can begin.