
Congress, infanticide and logic’s end

Richard Doerflinger traces the shifting history of how lawmakers and courts view the youngest human beings. If one accepts abortion at any stage, one must logically accept infanticide, or ending life at any age.

Jim Crow and the Klansman make for a bad photo

A Virginia governor's yearbook picture recently recalled the ugly history of racism in our nation, writes John Garvey. The image reminds us of the moral gravity of this sin, which denies the humanity of God's children.

Don’t expect ‘one size fits all’ reforms from abuse summit

As Catholic leaders from every country gather in Rome to discuss clerical sexual misconduct, local remedies will vary widely in effectiveness. But George Weigel thinks the world can learn much from the American experience.

Forging a way forward through scandals, bad news

When you read news of exceptions to the good -- especially the actions of some clergy -- you can get the idea that the entire world is a mess. It isn't, writes a parishioner in Oregon.

Where is the Spirit leading us?

Greg Erlandson ponders a statement by Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, who will represent American bishops at the Vatican summit on sexual abuse this week, and sees the beginning of a moment as big as Vatican II, or bigger.

Ruined by forgotten knowledge

As bishops meet this week in Rome on “Protection of Minors in the Church,” Gina Christian wishes we remembered how saintly church reformers confronted sexual abuse of children centuries ago.

God alone is the cure for the confusion of our day

Father Eric Banecker traces the roots of American culture's descent into absurdity to the Enlightenment's thin basis for morality. Christians must commit to personal holiness and proclaim virtuous living for all.

Even the quick of mind need a rest

The brain's ability to process thousands of images is a gift from God, but that mental processing can slow down or break down, and we need to give a periodic rest, writes Father Eugene Hemrick.

A time for action on sex abuse reforms

The U.S. bishops got a taste of the Roman way of delay when they tried to move forward on reforms for the church in America. Next week's meeting in Rome must produce real reforms right now, argues an editorial.

Good advice from an old priest: ‘Always put Christ first’

Msgr. Joseph Corley spoke with two priests in their 90s who are an example of priestly service and steadfast love for Jesus. They also offered timely encouragement to a young seminarian.