
Dad blows the whistle on CYO sports on Sundays

A local parishioner and father of young CYO athletes finds it absurd that games are scheduled on a day of rest. Kids should be spending time with families, not traveling across the region for games.

Catholic schools: A gift taken for granted

As in the past, again we are in a time of widespread hostility toward the church and toward those who take their Catholic faith seriously. Catholic schools help take the practice of the faith beyond Sunday and more deeply into our lives.

These are the people in her neighborhood, local and global

A new home means a mile-and-a-half walk to the car, which means Elise Italiano Ureneck walks a lot, getting to know her neighbors even as she keeps up with global concerns. It has been an instructive inconvenience.

Discipleship is hard, and so is a wedding engagement

It's been a year since John and Nicole became engaged. They've seen the highs (excitement) and lows (stress of planning the wedding) of the journey of discipleship as they build the solid future of their marriage.

Hear a good joke lately? It might be the key to peace

Of course we need prayer and patience, but having fun, dancing and laughing are medicine for our souls and can lead the way to inner peace, and maybe world peace, writes Msgr. Joseph Corley.

Abortions in Pa. down to all-time low, thanks to Real Alternatives

The state health department reported the continued decline of abortions, and Al Gnoza finds one reason in a support program for pregnant women started by the late Gov. Bob Casey, which has gone nationwide.

School choice: Good deal for Pa. families and taxpayers

Sean McAleer breaks down the objections to school choice, during the national week dedicated to it. Studies show it saves states money and doesn't undermine public education.

A parent’s Christmas survivor ritual

Greg Erlandson is a proud parent of young adults who, after becoming responsible and productive, come home for Christmas forgetting every social skill they learned. He shares the grief and love of the empty nester.

Nothing about us without us

George Weigel worries that this year's synod on the Amazon region may lead to ordaining mature lay men priests. But decisions bearing on everyone should involve as global a reflection as possible.

The church, like interest groups, needs lobbyists in Harrisburg

The new communications director of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference is settling into his role, and understanding how he helps advocate for church programs and ideals in the state capitol.