
What are you giving for Christmas?

In the 19th century, the Little Sisters of the Poor served in a society that discouraged giving to beggars. Today, Sister Constance Veit suggests a poor person deserves a look of love and the gift of humanity, at least.

Avoiding another Roman fiasco in February

Columnist George Weigel sees disturbing signs that Those Who Just Don’t Get It are still not getting it, so he flags five pitfalls the February meeting on responses to the sexual abuse crisis should avoid.

Good news for crowded churches

The "Christmas-Easter Catholics" are coming Dec. 24 and 25, taking regular churchgoers' parking spots and usual pews. It's a good problem to have, writes Laura Kelly Fanucci, who suggests we slide over and welcome the stranger.

The Vatican and US bishops: It’s deja vu all over again

After a surprise derailment by the Vatican of a long-awaited vote of the U.S. bishops, tempers in the church were frayed. That was in 1988, recalls Greg Erlandson. The lessons of 30 years ago are instructive today.

Divisions in the church seem to be getting worse

Despite deep rifts, an editorial disagrees there is currently a "Catholic civil war," and that most Catholic focus on practicing their religion. Abiding by the Golden Rule and the beatitudes could overcome public divisions.

Catholic campus ministry drawing souls to Christ at Penn-Drexel

The team directors for FOCUS at the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University are part of an expansion of ministry in University City, helping students grow in their faith and share the Gospel.

A simple formula to ‘do’ Advent well: Jesus, others, you

It’s the most wonderful time of the year for Sister Laura Downing, but she knows one can wake up on Christmas morning feeling the season's busy-ness has overshadowed Advent. She offers a way to live Advent intentionally.

Advent as an invitation to practice hospitality

"Las posadas," a December tradition among Latino American Catholics, reminds us that we wait for Christ by welcoming him in the most vulnerable, writes Hosffman Ospino.

The unimportance of practically everything

Although we're easily distracted by our digital devices, we can choose how we use them, writes Father Thomas Dailey. Through discernment, we can prioritize what really matters in our lives.

The bomb and the pill: Snuffing out life in the name of security

Attempts to circumvent nature or reprogram it are ultimately dehumanizing, writes Brett Robinson. In our desire for a risk-free existence, we end up sacrificing our freedom and humanity. Our higher calling to morality is the true source of security.