The Mass in Focus
Christ shines his light in the darkness of our lives
When life feels like we are dangling over a dark pit of despair, the Risen Lord give us courage and strength, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior on the Third Sunday of Easter.
Peace beyond the locked door
Living in fear after the death of Jesus, the disciples see the risen Lord. Their spiritual darkness – and ours – is dispelled, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior about Divine Mercy Sunday.
Readings of the holy Mass – Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.
Easter means the emptiness of the tomb
Because Jesus is alive so we also have new life, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior on the readings for Easter Sunday.
Holy Week opens with the king of obedience, not acclaim
Msgr. Joseph Prior comments on the readings for Palm Sunday and traces Jesus' entry into Jerusalem as a king, then his trial and crucifixion -- which is his triumph.
Readings of the holy Mass – Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.
Jesus died on the cross because we are worth it
Writing on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Msgr. Joseph Prior explains that Jesus trusted the Father completely and offered himself totally for the Father and for us, restoring us to grace.
Readings of the holy Mass – Fifth Sunday of Lent
Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.
Mercy trumps transgression every time
Msgr. Joseph Prior invites a reflection on the readings for Mass on the Fourth Sunday of Lent, which recall the immense patience of God expressed through his mercy.
Readings of the holy Mass – Fourth Sunday of Lent
Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.