The Mass in Focus
Today, like John the Baptist, Christians witness Jesus’ saving power
We are the “least in the kingdom,” and Jesus addresses us through this Sunday’s Mass readings: Witness what you see. Day after day we see the saving effects of faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Readings for the holy Mass – Third Sunday of Advent
Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.
Longing for the Lord, from ancient times to now
At this point in the Advent season, writes columnist Msgr. Joseph Prior, we are focused on Jesus’ second coming. He rekindles our desire to be one with him in love. What flows from this desire is our conversion of heart and an invitation to love God and our neighbor.
Readings for the holy Mass – Second Sunday of Advent
Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition. Second Sunday of Advent Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s commentary on the readings for this Sunday’s Mass.
Advent offers a timely reflection on time itself
Imagine a world without electricity. Then imagine how you would long for the light after the long darkness of night. That is the sense of expectation and hope Christians have always brought to Advent, which begins this Sunday, as Msgr. Joseph Prior writes in his reflection on the readings for Mass.
Readings for the holy Mass – First Sunday of Advent
Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.
Celebrating the King who conquered sin and death through the cross
There are times in life when the darkness seems overwhelming, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior on the solemnity dedicated to Jesus Christ, the King. It is precisely into these situations that the Lord comes to heal our souls, forgive our sins and restore our hope.
Readings for the holy Mass – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s commentary on the readings for this Sunday’s Mass. See the Mass readings for Sunday, November 24, 2013 See the readings for today’s Mass Listen to the daily readings in audio
Jesus urges perseverance through life’s trials until his coming
Every day there are people in the world who face the challenges mentioned in the Gospel; so too the faithful of Jesus Christ. Jesus urges us to faithfulness and to remain in his love until the Day of the Lord, whenever it comes.
Readings for the holy Mass – Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s commentary on the readings for this Sunday’s Mass. See the Mass readings for Sunday, November 17, 2013 See the readings for today’s Mass Listen to the daily readings in audio