Video Features
Faithful seek Mary in a time of sickness, sorrow
After weeks of COVID-19 and anguish over systemic racism, some 200 Philadelphia faithful joined in a June 7 "Rosary Walk for Peace and Healing."
Videos welcome faithful back to the pews
Archbishop Nelson Perez and area faithful announce that the doors of archdiocesan churches are open, and provide inspiration and guidance on returning to in-person Mass.
In new video, Archbishop Perez asks support for Catholic Charities Appeal
The video anticipates a special #GivingTuesday on May 5 in support of the annual major fundraiser for the archdiocese, as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.
Archbishop Wood class of 2020 celebrated
The administrators and teachers from the archdiocesan high school in Warminster created a special video to celebrate this year's graduating seniors.
Leading the way in a time of darkness
Watch Catholic Relief Services' inspiring Easter message of faith, hope and love in the time of COVID-19.
Making face masks with Sister Ana Iris
Face masks can help to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. Immaculate Heart of Mary Sister Ana Iris Grana shows how you can easily make one with materials you have at home.
Mesange espiritual sobre coronavirus del Arzobispo Perez
El Arzobispo Nelson Pérez se dirige a los fieles de la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia como parte de la respuesta pastoral y temporal en curso a la pandemia de Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Archbishop Perez’s message to school students of the archdiocese
Archbishop Nelson Perez addresses the anxiety school students may be having as the public response to the coronavirus pandemic continues to evolve.
Archbishop Perez’s message to archdiocesan employees
Archbishop Nelson Perez addresses the faithful employees of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia as they navigate difficult waters during the pandemic.
Archbishop Perez’s spiritual message during pandemic
Archbishop Nelson Perez addresses the faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia as part of the church's ongoing response to coronavirus.