Video Features
A birthday song fit for an Archbishop
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia celebrated his 75th birthday on September 26, and a few close friends (well, actually a few hundred) got together to serenade him ahead of the milestone celebration.
Sinulog Festival celebrated through streets of Old City
Hundreds of Catholics gathered for a devotion dear to Filipinos on Sunday, Aug. 18 at St. Augustine Church in Philadelphia to celebrate the summer Sinulog Festival in honor of Señor Santo Niño de Cebú, the Holy Child Jesus, venerated since the 16th century as miraculous by the Filipino community.
Poor Clares celebrate three days in honor of St. Clare
Watch's video of the triduum devotion of the Poor Clare Sisters in their Monastery in Langhorne, joined by faithful lay people from the area.
Ride along with Biking for Vocations
Seminarians and a priest from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary completed their 150-mile tour through several suburban Philadelphia counties and nine parishes to promote vocations during Biking for Vocations, Aug. 8-12.
Step by step, pilgrims draw closer to Mary
Hundreds of area Catholics walked from St. Adalbert Church in Philadelphia to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, undertaking a three-day, 35-mile journey that deepened both their faith and their sense of community.
What does Veronica’s veil have to do with Holy Week?
Watch a video on the annual presentation in Rome of a relic believed to show the image of Jesus on a veil as he carried his cross to the crucifixion.
Fish and fellowship at St. Mary’s Parish
For well over a decade, volunteers have cooked up community at weekly Lenten dinners that are attended by hundreds from the surrounding area.
Teens shine in solar car competition
Students at St. Gabriel's Hall in Audubon harnessed the energy of light -- and the power of teamwork -- to build model-sized solar cars as part of a mentoring project with PJM, a major electricity distributor.
Mummers Mass: Golden slippers and banjos in heaven
For 30 years, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in South Philadelphia has celebrated the beloved liturgy on New Year's Eve, honoring one of the city's most iconic traditions.
Santa saddles up for at-risk kids
With a roar and a rumble, local bikers brought Christmas cheer to the teens served by the St. Francis-St. Joseph and St. Vincent Homes, an outreach of Catholic Social Services.