Hundreds of Students Learn Value of Service at Catholic Schools Week Project with Archbishop Pérez

Students of Catholic elementary and secondary schools, plus schools of special education, packaged 1,500 care bags for people visiting a Catholic social agency during an activity Jan. 30 that underscored everyone’s vocation to serve those in need.

Archdiocesan Students Package 1,500 Relief Bags for Catholic Schools Week

See scenes from the Jan. 30 keystone event for the celebration of Catholic Schools Week in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Young Catholic School Teacher Receives Top Award for Literacy Work

Erica Braunlinger, 24, of St. Mary Magdalen School in Media, was recognized by the International Literacy Association for her work in helping fourth-grade children overcome reading difficulties in the wake of the COVID pandemic.

Catholic Schools Week Celebrates ‘Genuine Family Fabric’ of Philly-Area Schools

Catholic educators reflect on how Catholic schools are “United in Faith and Community,” helping students to grow during Catholic Schools Week and throughout the year.

Archbishop Carroll Names Alumnus as Head Football Coach

Steve Honick, class of 2017, returns to lead the football program of his alma mater after stints at Ursinus College, West Chester University and Temple University.

Made in Kensington: Five Smith Siblings Reflect on Lives of Faith, Love

The brothers and sisters were raised in a home infused with prayer and Catholic education, which formed their service in religious life, Catholic schools and loving families.  

Pope John Paul II Junior Named 2024-25 Gatorade Pennsylvania Volleyball Player of the Year

Pope John Paul II junior Norah Busch is the first student-athlete from the school to receive this honor.

Two-Sport Star Knows Highs, Lows of Roman Catholic Athletics

As senior C.J. Miller plays football to become stronger and basketball to become faster, he appreciates the chance to add to his school’s winning legacy – even when there’s heartbreak.

City Archdiocesan High Schools to Utilize Flexible Instruction Day, Parochial Elementary Schools to Close Jan. 6

Archdiocesan high schools and elementary school buildings in Philadelphia will be closed Jan. 6 due to projected inclement weather in the region.

Twin Brothers from Pottstown School Among 52 Neumann Scholars for 2025

Atticus and Joaquin Luna of St. Aloysius School received the prestigious award from the Connelly Foundation – as did their older brother and sister – and a full four-year scholarship to an Archdiocesan high school.