Undeterred by Snowstorm, Local Students ‘March for Life’ in D.C.
Thousands of people braved a snowstorm to show their support for the beauty and dignity of human life from conception to natural death at the 51st annual National March for Life Jan 19.
High School Educators Honored for Years of Service, Dedication to Catholic Education
Thirty-seven teachers and administrators were recently recognized by the archdiocesan Office of Catholic Education for their milestone anniversaries ranging from 25 to 50 or more years.
Over 300 Students Package 2,500 Care Bags For Catholic Schools Week
See scenes from the Feb. 1 keystone event for the celebration of Catholic Schools Week in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Roman Catholic Welcomes New President with Mass and Installation
Archbishop Pérez was the celebrant of the Installation Mass for Roman Catholic High School’s 15th Head of School and 6th President, John A. Prendergast.
Bishop Shanahan Unveils $3M Fundraising Campaign
The initiative aims to offer enhancements to the school while supporting students now and into the future.
Archbishop Pérez’s Video Message for Catholic Schools Week
Archbishop Pérez released a video message Jan. 29 on his social media platforms marking Catholic Schools Week.
It’s Catholic Schools Week in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Schools throughout the five-county region are marking the 50th anniversary of the national observance of Catholic Schools Week through Feb. 3.
Archdiocesan Schools in City to Close Jan. 19 Due to Snow, Icy Conditions
Archdiocesan high schools and parochial elementary schools in the City of Philadelphia will utilize a Flexible Instruction Day.
Pope John Paul II Students Participate in Day of Service at St. Edmond’s Home
Saint Edmond’s Home for Children, a ministry of Catholic Social Services that serves medically fragile children, welcomed 40 students from Pope John Paul II High School Jan. 14 for a day of service.
Archdiocesan Schools in City to Close Tuesday Due to Snow, Will Utilize Flexible Instruction Day
Archdiocesan high schools and elementary school buildings in Philadelphia will be closed Jan. 16 due to snow in the region. Suburban Catholic schools normally follow the decision of their public district.