St. Edmond’s Opens Second Home for Young Adults with Disabilities
Dedicated July 22 in Villanova, Mary’s House is the second of its kind to be opened and "a blessing” that offers care and independence to grown-up residents of St. Edmond's Home for Children.
Hear the Story of CSS’ Martha’s Choice Marketplace and Community Farm Sept. 4
Join Patrick Walsh and Eli Wenger on Sept. 4 at 6:00 p.m. to hear the story of Martha’s Choice Marketplace and Community Farm, the largest, most visited, food pantry in Montgomery County.
What Love Looks Like: Summer Meals Program Meets Harsh Reality of Childhood Hunger
Archdiocesan Nutritional Development Services works so that young people have food in the summer. NDS’ David Stier knows that some kids still go hungry despite these herculean efforts, an injustice that should move everyone to action.
Our Friend, the Chef, Brings Out the Best in Us
God brings people into our lives for a greater purpose, and sometimes, its to show us the goodness inside ourselves, writes Patrick Walsh, Director of Programs at Catholic Social Services’ Martha’s Choice Marketplace & Community Farm.
Blessing of Mary’s House Marks Second Home for Young Adults with Disabilities
The residence is the second of its kind opened by St. Edmond's Home for Children and will provide care to four young adult women with disabilities who formerly resided at the Rosemont facility.
Conflict Management Program Celebrates 25 Years Serving Philadelphia Youth
Staff from Catholic Social Services gathered June 26 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its youth anger management and social responsibility therapy program, A Better Way.
Archdiocese Hosts Catholic Charities USA Homeless Advocacy Forum
The gathering, hosted by Catholic Social Services, focused on the plight of those experiencing homelessness and how to best serve them at the community, state, regional, and national levels.
Catholic Social Services Joins Campaign to Promote Services, Works of Mercy
The national awareness campaign highlights the life-giving services Catholic Charities agencies provide in their local communities.
Martha’s Community Farm: Finding God in the Dirt
Soil offers us perhaps, the most perfect analogy for our pursuit of communion with God and neighbor, says Patrick Walsh, Director of Programs at Martha’s Choice Marketplace and Community Farm and a participating institution with EcoPhilly.
How to Donate to Nutritional Development Service’s Annual Summer Food Drive
This is the agency's 45th year hosting the collection.