St. John’s Hospice Celebrates 60 Years of Service in Philly with Gala
See scenes from the April 18 St. John’s Hospice Anniversary Gala celebrating 60 years of providing services to individuals experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia.
Partners Needed for Summer Meal Sites, says Archdiocese
Nutritional Development Services is seeking community partners to participate in its free Summer Meals Program from June 17 - August 23.
Guided by St. Francis, ‘Queen of Kensington’ Serves Those in Need
Inspired by her favorite saint - St. Francis of Assisi - Theresa Zuccarino volunteers four days a week helping those experiencing poverty and homelessness in Philadelphia.
Photos: Baby Boutique Launches in Northeast Philly
Catholic Social Services' Northeast Family Service Center hosted a special blessing and ribbon cutting ceremony March 22 for its new “Baby Boutique”.
Lenten Reflection with Deacon Franz Fruehwald: Week Two
Deacon Franz Fruehwald, permanent deacon at Queen of Peace Parish in Ardsley and Chief Financial Officer for archdiocesan Catholic Human Services, offers faithful a Lenten reflection for week two.
New Director Named for Catholic Housing and Community Services
Suzanne O’Grady Laurito, MSS, has been named as the next Director of Catholic Housing and Community Services.
Local Father-Son Duo Feed the Hungry, Serving Thousands of Meals in Archdiocese
In 2023, over 7,000 meals were prepared for those in need.
Star Harbor Senior Center to Celebrate Black History Month in Dramatic Style
Choir and dance performances will complement the written action.
NDS Launches Lenten Food Drive — Here’s How You Can Help
Nutritional Development Services is hosting its annual “One-Can Meal” food drive to help fulfill the Lenten season’s call to prayer, almsgiving, and fasting.
Lenten Reflection with Deacon Franz Fruehwald: Week One
Deacon Franz Fruehwald offers faithful a Lenten reflection for week one.