South Philly seniors scare up fun at Halloween party
Members of the St. Charles Senior Community Center donned masks and smiles at an Oct. 26 costume party. The nationally accredited center is part of archdiocesan Catholic Housing and Community Services, which served more than 4,600 adults last year.
Community baby shower shows ‘what being pro-life is all about’
Archdiocesan Catholic Social Services (CSS) teamed up with St. Raymond Parish to help 300 expectant moms at an Oct. 13 gathering, as part of CSS's outreach to over 5,000 pregnant women each year.
Prepping for parenthood, thanks to parish and Catholic Social Services
More than 300 attended an Oct. 13 community baby shower at St. Raymond of Penafort Parish, as part of archdiocesan Catholic Social Services' ongoing outreach to thousands of expectant mothers in the Philadelphia area.
St. Raymond’s and Catholic Social Services host community baby shower
The free Oct. 13 event will feature parenting classes and resources for families, as well as music, raffles, face painting and refreshments. The outreach is part of CSS's ongoing mission to moms, which assisted more than 5,000 women last year.
Backpacks are a blessing at Casa del Carmen preschool
The agency of archdiocesan Catholic Social Services in North Philadelphia got its 73 3- and 5-year-old learners ready for the new school year with a blessing led by the pastor of St. William Parish.
Casa del Carmen preschool kids are blessed for success
The top-ranked academy, part of archdiocesan Catholic Social Services, gave students free backpacks filled with supplies and prayers for the new year. Area parishes rely on the partnerships CSS provides.
St. Edmond’s Home for Children wraps up summer in style
The summer tradition at the Catholic Social Services facility in Rosemont for youth with profound physical and intellectual disabilities capped eight weeks of fun with Mass and a cookout on Aug. 16.
Big splashes for little ones at annual Catholic Social Services picnic
Some 800 kids from the archdiocese's 12 Out of School Time (OST) sites enjoyed a day of fun in the sun at the July 20 event, now in its eighth year.
Moms-to-be get a budget bump at Casa del Carmen baby shower
Some 120 pregnant women and their families gathered for baby goods and information at a Northeast Philadelphia parish. Typically held quarterly at Casa's location, the July 14 event was the first at a parish.
Judge sees no religious bias against Catholic agency on same-sex foster care
A federal judge swept away claims of religious discrimination by archdiocesan Catholic Social Services and ruled it must provide home assessments for same-sex couples wishing to become foster parents in Philadelphia.