Posted May 24, 2017
Two new priests, Fathers Matthew Brody and Brian Connolly, were ordained for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia by Archbishop Charles Chaput during a Mass Saturday, May 20 in the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia. It was attended by family, friends and parishioner friends of the newly ordained men. Read full coverage of the ordination here. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Archbishop Charles Chaput prays over the two men to be ordained priests during the ordination rite.

The ordinandi lay prostrate on the floor of the cathedral’s sanctuary as the Litany of Saints is prayed over them in song.

The archbishop lays his hands over Father Matthew Brody, ordaining him a priest.

Archbishop chaput lays hands on Father Biran Connolly, ordaining him a priest for the Philadelphia Archdiocese.

Msgr. John Conway, left, and Msgr. Charles Vance, pastors of the newly ordained priests, lay hands on them as part of the ordination ceremony.

The new priests, Fathers Brian Connolly (right) and Matthew Brody, pray during the ordination rite May 20 in the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. (Sarah Webb)

Msgr. Philip Ricci and Father Jeff Rott vest the newly ordained priests.

Archbishop Chaput pours the oil of sacred chrism into the hands of Father Matthew Brody.

Archbishop Chaput and Father Brian Connolly exchange a sign of peace.

Father Brian Connolly gives his father holy Communion as his mother looks on.

Father Matthew Brody gives his grandfather holy Communion.

Posing after the ordination Mass are, from left, Father Brian Connolly, Bishop Timothy Senior, Archbishop Charles Chaput and Father Matthew Brody.

Father Brian Connolly with his parents.

Father Matthew Brody blesses his mother for the first time since being ordained.

Father Matthew Brody’s father kisses his son’s hands after the first blessing.
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