October is Respect Life Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and our series from Catholic News Service looks at what it means to value all human life, from conception through natural death.

Parishes can tie these two issues together through homilies, bulletin announcements, flyers, resources and focused prayer, especially in the prayer of the faithful at Mass.

Love both Mom and her baby
A former pro-choice Catholic now sees the beauty of loving, and supporting, expectant mothers before and after they’ve given birth. A truly pro-life attitude rejects choosing between the rights of the baby and the needs of the mother.

Domestic abuse: A parish response
One in four women and one in seven men are victims of physical violence by their partner. When pastors talk about it in their parishes, a great many parishioners will respond. That is why resources for parish leaders are now available.

A celebration of life in the Bible
There are many examples in Scripture of how life was not only chosen, but fully celebrated among God’s people. The preciousness of life until natural death is a joyful song that echoes throughout the Bible.