HOLLAND – Alumni of Most Blessed Sacrament School in Southwest Philadelphia gathered for a luncheon at the Springfield Country Club Oct. 9 in support of the campaign to renovate St. Bede the Venerable Church in Holland.

Nearly 60 alumni enjoyed a gourmet luncheon and took advantage of the event to catch up with old friends and create new connections with other alumni. The fundraising event, which was arranged by MBS alumnus John Kraft, raised nearly $2,000 to help the renovation project.

Most Blessed Sacrament, at one time the largest elementary school in the country, closed a few years ago. St. Bede’s was able to buy some of the beautiful décor from that church for use in the current renovations.

According to St. Bede’s pastor, Msgr. John Marine, “This has been a special event that, once again, showed how important Most Blessed Sacrament was to its members and graduates of the school. We’re pleased to keep part of that memory alive by giving these beautiful items a new home.”

The renovation began this past June and will continue through to next summer. A dedication Mass is expected to take place in September 2011.