Immaculata University’s “Summer Spirituality Days” will be held June 17-20 on the university’s campus in Immaculata, Chester County.

The program aims to provide an opportunity to pause, be enriched, reflect and share with others the movements of God in one’s life. There is an emphasis on the integration of spirituality into one’s daily life as one presents one’s whole self before God in genuine relationship.

The schedule follows:

Tuesday, June 17 — Workshop with Paul Coutinho, “Eastern Spirituality and Mysticism: the Silence between the Notes Makes the Music of my Life”

The silence at the depth of our being and the heart of the universe is unaffected by the turmoil of life. It is here where we encounter the divine presence, experience our true selves and find the freedom and power to live the fullness of life.

Wednesday through Friday, June 18-20 — Three mornings with Paul Coutinho, “Dying to be free…”

This is a three-part program on reflecting on how to die while we are still alive to experience true spiritual and psychological freedom.

Wednesday through Thursday, June 18-19 — Two afternoons with Michelle Francl-Donnay, “Give Me a Word: Practical Wisdom from the Desert Fathers and Mothers”

In the third and fourth centuries the men and women who ventured into the Egyptian desert seeking God in its vast silence were sought out for their wise — and practical — counsel on prayer and the spiritual life. What practical advice about prayer might these ancient desert fathers and mothers have for our prayer today?

Wednesday, June 18 — One afternoon with Sister Patricia McDermott, I.H.M., “Leadership Development through the Lens of Ignatian Spirituality”

Explore leadership development through the lens of Ignatian Spirituality.  There will be a particular emphasis in the way Pope Francis leads today.

For all sessions, air-conditioned campus housing is available.

For details and cost, contact Sister Mary Henrich, I.H.M. at or 610-647-4400 extension 3434, or visit